Mountain Top Cares Coalition in Greene County works to ensure those battling addiction have access to resources. (Spectrum News 1 Albany)

For the full article and to view the video please visit this link at Spectrum News 1

The Only Adult RCO in Greene County
Mountaintop Cares Coalition is currently the only Adult Recovery Community Organization located in rural Greene County, NY with a special focus and footprint in the underserved mountaintop region. We are appreciative of the support allowing us to serve our community and are grateful for the funding helping us to assist individuals and families on their path of recovery. As an RCO, we provide certified peer support, education, group meetings, recovery friendly events, resources, and advocacy for those struggling with substance use.
As need for our services has grown, we are working towards a goal of establishing a local recovery support & outreach center with the support of our town and community. We are currently seeking funding , donations and assistance to make this a reality.
We encourage you to explore our website and we invite you to reach out to us with questions. If you are considering a contribution, please find donation information here.
The lastest at MCC
Goings-ons, events, partners, and more

Join The Seasonal Gloomies Mental Health Challenge!
Respiratory Therapist Available At Mountain Top Cares Coalition
What we offer
Whether you are personally navigating substance use and recovery, are a loved one, or a community member - we provide services, support, training and more.
- Individualized one-on-one certified peer support (learn more about CRPA's here)
- Weekly & Monthly Meet-ups and Workshops
- Support Groups (Family, Women, Men, LGBTQIA+ Young Adults)
- Recovery Friendly Social Events
- Community Education & Engagement
- Harm reduction (Narcan)
- Recovery Workforce Support (employees & employer)
- Advocacy
- Help navigating social supports (food, housing, clothing, transportation, technology/communications access) and additional recovery and treatment services.

Peer Support



Upcoming & ongoing events
Our special events, and our weekly recurring offerings, so help is always close

Every Tuesday, 5:30pm
Open Group
Use our contact form or email us to receive zoom link: info@mountaintopcarescoalition.com

Open Groupv
Use our contact form or email us to receive zoom link: info@mountaintopcarescoalition.com